How to Fix Uneven Shoulders

Do you wear tops at times and feel like they have an uneven hem? It could be you have uneven shoulders. If you have ever suffered from a spinal injury and did not get your discs appropriately realigned, you may end up having uneven shoulders. But you needn’t worry about the process of fixing uneven shoulders is easier than you think.

Does Uneven Shoulders Mean Scoliosis?

Not necessarily. Uneven shoulder scoliosis is caused by a change in the spine’s curvature. This condition is more common in children than in adults. Scoliosis causes the spine to curve more towards one side. There is more than one reason for uneven shoulders.

What Causes Shoulders to Drop?

The most common causes of uneven shoulders are muscular, neural, spinal, and skeletal issues. Structural and skeletal problems such as scoliosis, a tilted pelvis, flat feet, disc herniation, uneven hips, and different length legs can cause you to have uneven shoulders.

Additionally, muscular issues, for instance, having tight or constricted muscles on one side of your body due to injury or disease, can cause you to have uneven shoulders. You can also get uneven shoulders because of your posture.

How Can I Even Out My Shoulders?

For uneven shoulders caused by strained muscles or bad posture, fixing the asymmetry is as easy as stretching your muscles. Unbalanced shoulder muscles cause slight to severe inflammation, depending on the severity. First off, switch your sleeping position to see if your muscles will stop acting up. You should also look into carrying a lighter purse, as well as any other habits that may ease the strain on your shoulder muscles.

Next, you need to come up with a muscle strengthening routine the focuses on stretching exercise. To stretch your shoulder muscles, do some neck stretching exercises, such as extending your neck on the opposite side and holding it in position for a few seconds. Then repeat the extension action and holding it in position for the opposite side. Then do some hand raising stretches avoid using weights at this point until your muscles are fully healed.

Check this too: Best Sitting Position for Scoliosis

Stand upright, then lift your hands above your head, creating a letter ‘Y’ with your body. Repeat the raises a few times until your muscles get stronger and your shoulders get even. You can find other shoulder muscles strengthening exercises that will help with your uneven shoulders.

If you are a member of a gym, ask your trainer to recommend exercises that are good for your upper arms. Look into doing yoga for uneven shoulders. This will not only help you to have more muscular shoulders, but it will also help strengthen your spine as well as the rest of your skeletal muscles. You can try the yoga sessions on your own or join a yoga studio for better training and specialized assistance.

If you have uneven shoulders caused by more severe conditions or issues, you may need to visit a professional for treatment. In some cases, surgery may necessary. Always consult your doctor before trying any exercises to fix the uneven shoulders.