How to Dry a Wet Mattress

I know having a wet mattress can be a tad bit stressful, but you will need to respond as soon as possible to prevent mold and odor, which are a health risk.

A heavily soaked mattress may require professional services to dry and sanitize. Less severe spills from water, beverages, and even urine can be dried successfully using simple cleaning products and techniques. Also, take advantage of sunlight and air circulation.

How Long Does a Wet Mattress take to Dry?

A thin mattress may also take a shorter time than a thick mattress to dry up. A little spill will take from a couple of hours to a day to dry. However, flooded water containing dirt and contaminants will make it impossible to salvage the mattress.

Drying a mattress after bed-wetting may take up to 24 hours to dry up, though the odor and stain will be more stubborn to remove.

Materials Required

  1. Clean, dry towel
  2. Hydrogen peroxide
  3. Hairdryer
  4. Vacuum
  5. Kitty litter
  6. Baking soda
  7. Vinegar
  8. Rubbing alcohol


  • Place a dry towel on the wet area and put pressure to soak up as much water as possible.
  • For heavy spills, pour some kitty litter on the wet patch. Place a dry towel on the kitty litter and apply pressure to absorb the liquid. Allow it to sit there for a couple of hours. Then suck up the litter using a vacuum. Repeat the process if the mattress is still wet, but be cautious as litter can stain the mattress. Use baking soda as a substitute for the kitty litter as they both have absorbing properties.
  • Dry the area by setting the hairdryer on high and hover it on the mattress surface for 15-20 minutes. Wait for it to cool to determine if it is still wet. Repeat the process.
  • If the bed is wet from urine, on this step, deodorize and disinfect. Spray a mixture of one part water and one part white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide on the area. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then blot with a dry towel.
  • Pour some baking soda to absorb any remaining liquid or odor. Let it sit for up to 12 hours then vacuum the baking soda.
  • To remove stains, you can treat it with two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part liquid dish-washing soap. Spray the mixture on the stain and brush with a soft toothbrush then wipe it down with a lightly damp cloth.
  • Spray some rubbing alcohol on the mattress surface to sanitize and prevent the growth of mold.
  • Take the mattress outside, place it in direct sunlight, and let it air dry. If you cannot, prop the mattress on its side then place a fan or dehumidifier facing the mattress until it dries. Sunlight is considered a disinfectant.

Even after successfully drying the mattress, if you notice a persistent musky smell, you may have to throw it away. It would be best if you also considered using a waterproof mattress cover to maintain your mattress’s integrity.

Check this too: How to Keep a Mattress Pad from Sliding
