How to Compress a Memory Foam Mattress

Have you ever wondered how folding a memory foam mattress works? Different people have varied reasons for choosing to move with their mattress when changing homes. Unless your mattress is sagging, and not in good shape, packing it is the best idea. It is even more economical if it is less than seven years old and you love it so much.

But how do you compress a memory foam mattress to ensure it does not take up so much space in the moving truck? If you find yourself in such a dilemma, you may have to compress it using a DIY technique since it may not be possible to replicate the company’s packing method when you first got the memory foam mattress. Read on to understand how best you can compress your mattress.

Materials Needed

  • Mattress bag
  • Ratchet straps
  • Tape
  • Vacuum bag
  • A box
  • Vacuum Cleaner

The compression process takes different phases, as described below.

Deflating the Foam Mattress

Can a mattress be compressed? Yes, it can. However, before this happens, several things come first. Before compressing your foam mattress, you first need to deflate it. This takes several steps, as described below.

Removing Bedding

A foam mattress should not go into a plastic bag before the bedding is removed.  Only leave the original mattress cover on. Other items, such as mattress toppers, duvets, comforters, and protectors, must be put aside. They should be packed differently for convenience.

Put Mattress inside the Bag

Take your bare mattress and slip it inside a plastic bag. Buy a mattress bag that fits the mattress, not an inch bigger lest you want to deal with the extra plastic bag.

Sealing the Bag

It would be best if you cut the valve from the bag. You may be required to cut a hole inside the mattress bag. Do this by pushing the valve through the hole such that the nozzle points outside. Seal the area surrounding the valve using the tape, making sure it is airtight. Use the tape to reinforce the mattress edges before moving on to compress it.

Vacuum it

Attach the vacuum hose to the valve of a regular vacuum or shop vac. When you switch on the vacuum, the mattress will compress. Slightly press on the mattress’s surface while the vacuum is on to help flatten it.

Roll the mattress

With the mattress still at a horizontal position, roll it up the now compress mattress. Ensure the valve is always on, and firmly attached to the valve if you are to avoid letting air into the bag. In case you are dealing with a more than a full-sized bag, ask for assistance when rolling it.

Secure the Mattress

Once you are convinced that the mattress is properly rolled up, secure it with ratchet straps that will, in turn, keep your mattress together and prevent it from falling apart.

Moving a Foam mattress

It is advisable to transport the mattress while it is in a horizontal position. This not only saves space but also ensures that the foam mattress is secured tightly in place.

How to store a memory foam mattress

After moving your mattress and getting to its destination, you may want to know how best to store it. How well you manage to protect your mattress means it will serve you longer and better. Remember that foam mattresses will conform to the shape of anything they are placed on. Most manufacturers of these mattresses discourage storing the mattresses in folded positions as it may compromise their original shape and eventually ruin the mattress, especially if it is stored for long. To properly store it, the following steps come in handy.

  • Wrap the mattress with a suitable plastic bag meant for mattresses to protect it from dust, moisture, and insect attack.
  • Tape the visible openings on the mattress bag, making sure there are no holes or tears that could cause moisture or pest infestation.
  • Transport the mattress carefully if you will store it on-site for a while and watch out for tears and holes.
  • Place the foam mattress flat and never on its side as this may cause a permanently hunched shape.

When you manage to fold and store your foam mattress properly, it has a higher chance of serving you better and longer. Observe all the necessary precautions for the best results.
