Best Sitting Position for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a medical condition where the spine curves and twist to the side making it appear S- or- C shaped. Although it can’t be “Fixed” or “cured” it can be managed with the right treatment and lifestyle changes. Most people wonder does posture affect scoliosis? The answer is yes. Those who suffer from the condition need specialized chairs to help improve their posture that improves their spinal positioning and scoliosis.

Most people with scoliosis have to do things they never thought necessary before, like re-aligning their posture. Although a curved spine makes it difficult to sit upright, slight adjustments can help improve the condition and your health overall.

The Right Sitting Posture For Scoliosis

Sitting with scoliosis is difficult. Mostly, they will try to lean to the side or forward a lot, but this is what adds up to the pelvis tilting backwards and slightly bent knees.

  • It’s best if you sit back in a chair with your back straight and weight on your thighs and buttocks.
  • Keep your pelvis neutral (not tilting backward or forward) and try not to sit forward on the edge of your seat.
  • The most ergonomic chairs for scoliosis should be between eighteen to twenty-two inches depending with your height.
  • Always keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees lower than your hips.
  • Try not to cross your legs as this leads to lower back-pain and stops you from aligning your body properly.
  • You can also move more frequently as maintaining a single position for long can make your muscle tense up.

Best Chairs For People With Scoliosis

People with severe scoliosis ought to have specialized chairs and those with these distinct features can come in handy.

Neck and Head Positioning

Chairs with head, neck and body support are ideal as they stop the sufferer from slumping sideways that minimizes the possibility of worsening the condition. The lateral and neck support facilitate a neutral midline while the tilt-in space combats any pressure built-up. This is especially so for those who spend a lot of time seated. The duo care and legacy chairs are ideal for those with scoliosis as they have this feature.

Check this too: Best posture bras for scoliosis

Loose or Fixed Lateral Support

Lateral back support for scoliosis is important in improving posture. If this feature is included in a chair, it can counter-support on all sides that alleviate the bending and twist that scoliosis causes. Have such supports placed correctly especially with the help of an occupational therapist as they are best suited in different positions. It is also common to have removable/loose supports as it allows the individual or caregiver to reposition correctly which is part of the scoliosis treatment.