How to Fix Mattress Indentation

Mattress indentations can be a great source of bedroom altercations if you keep piling on top of each other at night. If you live alone, sinking into the middle of your bed is not a great way to catch some sleep as well. Mainly because you may develop chronic back pain over time. Your initial reflex would be to order a new mattress; you can fix the mattress indentation and save some bucks in the process.

How To Fix Mattress Indentation

Fixing An Indented Spring Mattress

To fix a spring mattress, replace the spoiled springs, and replace them. You can do it yourself or look for a professional who specializes in fixing spring mattresses. If you replace them yourself, make sure you buy the correct size, you can remove one of the damaged ones and take it to the store when shopping for new ones.

Check that the slats under the mattress are not sagging. This may also cause the mattress to sink in the middle. Alternatively, you can use a mattress topper to create an even surface.

Fixing a Dip in a Memory Foam Mattress

Mattress cells over time disintegrate, causing it to sag over time. To remedy the issue, you can use pillows to lift the mattress in areas that are depressed. Use fiber-filled pillows to fill in the indented sections of the mattress. Move them around until you fix the indentation as best as you can.

Another option is to place a plyboard underneath the mattress. This will provide a firm base that you need to keep the mattress from sagging in the middle. If these solutions do not work, invest in a firm mattress topper. Place the mattress topper on top of your mattress to cover the depression.

Check this too: Best Mattress Topper for Hip Pain

Lastly, if you have a double-sided mattress, you can flip it to use the less used side. This will give the mattress time to breathe and possibly inflate some of the compressed mattress sacs. Lastly, you can also use a mattress helper to fill in the indented sections of your mattress.

