How to Clean an Air Mattress

Did you know air mattresses can grow mold? Accumulation of sweat in the crevices or its cover can lead to the growth of mold and mildew. As well as a myriad of other pathogens that are harmful to your health.

Can You Wash an Air Mattress?

Yes. But due to the delicate nature of the material used to make air mattresses, you need to be extra careful when cleaning your air mattress.

How Do You Get Smell Out ff an Air Mattress?

Spray a mixture of water and baking soda on the mattress and leave it on the mattress for a couple of hours. This will not only remove the bad odor, but it will also sanitize the air mattress. Then clean the mattress by using a soft rag to wipe off the baking soda solution. You can vacuum it to remove any leftover baking soda particles.

Check this too: How to Keep an Air Mattress from Deflating

How to Clean an Air Mattress

To avoid the growth of mold, you should clean the air mattress after each use. Especially if you use it for sleeping guests. Use a piece of cloth and soapy water to wipe the mattress. To remove odor, use a commercially made antiseptic cleaner as opposed to the baking soda solution.

You can also use a mixture of vinegar and water to clean the mattress. Or a rubbing alcohol and water solution to remove mildew. Also, remember to wipe the pump you use to fill the air mattress with air. Clean the air mattress as soon as you see any mold on the mattress.

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Also, air-dry the mattress in direct sunlight to remove any mold spores and moisture that creates a breeding ground for mold. Do not store your mattress in humid areas to avoid mold growth. And look into getting a protective cover to prevent any spills, mold, dust, or sweat from getting onto the air mattress.

If, after cleaning the mattress, you can still smell mold, you may have a case of mold inside the air mattress. At this juncture, there is little you can do to fix the issues. You may use a mold removal cleaner to clean it, but chances are you may not get all of it out. You are better off buying a new air mattress.

