Tips and Tricks
How to Run with Flat Feet

How to Run with Flat Feet

If you have flat feet, you have probably written off any thoughts about running. If walking is hard enough as it is, how can you even attempt running? Having flat feet does not have to be a death sentence of sorts. In fact, with constant foot strengthening exercises, you can be able to perform regular strenuous work ...

Are Chacos Good for Flat Feet?

Are Chacos Good for Flat Feet?

Chacos are a modern-day version of gladiators worn but ancient pastoralists. Think about it; they do look like the shoes worn by ancient herders in historical movies. They are built to make you comfortable as you walk, hike, kayak, among other activities. Do They Help With Flat Feet? Yes. They do. Chacos footwear ...

How to Wear a Knee Brace with Pants

How to Wear a Knee Brace with Pants

Do you ever find yourself braving knee pain because you do not know how to wear your knee brace with pants? While the knee brace in itself is essential for alleviating any pain in your leg, wearing it on top of pants is a bit of a fashion faux par. Not to mention it beats the purpose of the brace in the first place. ...

Should You Wear a Knee Brace to Bed?

Should You Wear a Knee Brace to Bed?

When recovering from a knee injury or correcting bad posture, knee braces are necessary to aid in the healing process. The speed of healing depends on how long you keep your knee brace on. While knee braces come in handy during normal activities like walking, cycling, and working, many people often wonder whether they ...

Are posture correctors safe and do they work?

Are posture correctors safe and do they work?

If you want to fix a bad posture or you are recovering from injury and would like to avoid developing poor posture, there are a few options you can try out. Besides therapy, one of the most popular options is to use a posture corrector. But, do posture correctors even work? Well, the term posture corrector has been ...

How to fix rounded shoulders and how long it takes

How to fix rounded shoulders and how long it takes

Rounded shoulders is a condition brought about by incorrect standing or sitting postures over an extended period. In most cases, rounded shoulders are painless with the exception of a few symptoms such as back pain, stiffness, and muscle fatigue. However, the most visible symptom is the forward head posture or a ...

Benefits of acupressure mats

Benefits of acupressure mats

With alternative therapies making a comeback in modern medicine, many people have resorted to these methods for pain relief. While there are plenty of strategies, not all of them work effectively. One method that is gaining popularity is acupressure. Acupressure has its origins in China, but it is now practiced by ...

What Causes Rounded Shoulders?

What Causes Rounded Shoulders?

Natural human shoulders are never round. Experts contend that unnatural posture coupled by features like the curvature of the back, protracted shoulder girdle and a forward positioned head to constitute round shoulders. Often a person with rounded shoulders has a hunched look. There is an established link between ...

Can Bad Posture Cause Constipation?

Can Bad Posture Cause Constipation?

The effects of bad posture are reflected not just on your looks but also on your overall well-being. How you carry yourself has a significant impact on your body both mentally and physically. When you make bad posture part of your daily routine you are subjecting your body to function inappropriately. The unfortunate ...

How Long Does It Take To Correct Posture?

How Long Does It Take To Correct Posture?

If you spend months focusing on your posture, it can have significant benefits on your back. Good posture promotes healthy organ and breathing, combats fatigue, prevents excess muscle strain and reduces wear on your discs. One question that people who intend to fix bad posture struggle with is can you correct years of ...

The Different Types Of Bad Posture

The Different Types Of Bad Posture

If you’ve ever seen someone walk, sit or even stand in an awkward manner then you understand what “poor posture” means. Unknown to many, poor posture affects more than just your appearance while standing up or sitting down. You spine dictates your physical and mental well-being and once it’s out of line, it can lead ...

Can You Sleep in a Backbrace?

Can You Sleep in a Backbrace?

If you suffer from back pain due to an injury, or you just want to correct a bad posture you might be required to use a posture corrector. The belts are designed to provide additional support as your back heals. They come in different forms such as rigid braces, corset-like wraps, and cervical braces. Wearing the back ...