What Causes Rounded Shoulders?

Natural human shoulders are never round. Experts contend that unnatural posture coupled by features like the curvature of the back, protracted shoulder girdle and a forward positioned head to constitute round shoulders. Often a person with rounded shoulders has a hunched look. There is an established link between postural adaptation and the condition. Some of the observations made in medical journals state shortening of muscles especially of chest and fascia as effects of this condition.

Why Do I Have Rounded Shoulders? The Case Of Poor Posture

Conclusive evidence point towards poor posture as being the root cause of a rounded chest and shoulders. Yet, few people actually know or practice good posture habits. Posture, defined as the position of the human body in relation to the activity a person is undertaking, contributes to muscle function and skeletal arrangement.

Human beings have adopted a sedentary lifestyle that involves a lot of sitting,watching back at home or even driving. While engaging in these activities, most people opt to slouch or lean their heads downwards. When this becomes a habit, the body makes necessary adjustments to these activities.

The body’s natural balance is then affected by adjustments that now adapt to carrying of the new weight. Estimates show that slouching forward may introduce added 20 pounds weight to the upper body. With time muscles form to counter this new weight resulting in rounded shoulders.

1. Hunched Back “Text Neck”

Mobile phone use has transformed how we interact. It is commonplace to see people face forward-leaning downwards busy texting or scrolling down a wage page or app. The cumulative consequence of constant hunching your back to use your phone often affects your shoulders. This is top on the list of what causes hunched back.

READ ALSO: Best posture correctors for rounded shoulders

2. Standing with a flat back

As stated earlier the body employs several mechanisms to adjust to physical demands. The muscular imbalance may force your body to adjust by making you feel comfortable when standing with a flat back. Over time this temporary conform leads to your shoulder muscles supporting this weight adapting a rounded look.

3. Slouching in the Chair

This sitting position is always comfortable at the onset yet with time, your body starts to feel the strain. If not corrected,may result  in a rounded shoulder. Due to  weak back muscles supporting your upper body without necessary adjustments.

4. Uneven Imbalances on the pelvis area

When standing leaning on one leg or  carrying heavy weight on your back, chances are your pelvis area will develop an imbalance. To stabilize your body, the shoulder and back muscles  adjust from their natural position to the new stress resulting ,to a rounded shoulder.

Why do I have rounded shoulders you ask? Well. Rounded shoulders are a function of lifestyle. The human body in a natural state does not have a rounded look. But to correct this, you need regular exercise, especially the back muscles or practice good posture habits.
