Are Air Mattresses Bad for Your Back?

Sleeping on an air mattress is like sleeping in a bouncing castle. It is fun and games night after night. While it may be fun to sleep on it, the jury is still out on whether it is a good idea to sleep on one regularly. Keep reading to find out if air mattresses are bad for your back.

Can You Sleep on an Air Mattress Permanently?

It depends on the condition of your back. At the end of the day, the choice to be is up to you and your comfort. On the one hand, it helps to relieve back pain, but it may also be uncomfortable for some individuals. It is up to you to decide whether you are comfortable sleeping on an air mattress or not.

Check this too: How to Patch an Air Mattress

Is an Air Bed Good for Your Back?

Yes and No. If not appropriately inflated, an air mattress can be a great source of discomfort. But this only affects some people. It may lead to back pain and stiffness especially if you have sciatica, as well as some sweaty nights. While some people can find air mattresses uncomfortable, there are some significant benefits to be gained from sleeping in an air mattress. They improve blood circulation and provide pressure where needed.

Your control over the level of firmness of the mattress allows you to be able to adjust it as per your needs from night to night. There is confirmed research showing a direct correlation between the use of air mattresses and back pain reduction.

Check this too: Best Camping Mattresses for a Bad Back

That said, there are steps you can take to make sleeping on an air mattress the ideal bed. Get good quality beddings, preferably made using pure cotton for body temperature regulation, inflate the mattress regularly for proper support, and invest in a mattress topper for increased cushioning and to reduce how often you have to clean the air mattress.
