Is Massage Good for Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is considered more of a deformity, especially in the adult stage, where it’s hard for rectification.  It’s the sideways curvature of the spine that occurs during growth just before puberty or at birth and more. The types of scoliosis are as follows;  be born with it (congenital), in a young child (early-onset), older child or teenager (adolescent idiopathic), and an adult (degenerative or de novo).

Any treatment focuses on treating the progression of the condition. Massage comes in as an alternative to primary treatment upon recommendation by a doctor. Various massage therapies work differently and give results depending on the frequency of doing them. Massage is, therefore, helpful for scoliosis.

Best Massage for Scoliosis

According to the Institute of  Integrative Health studies, the following methods are helpful to alleviate scoliosis pain:

  1. Cranial-sacral Therapy

Its gentle treatment of the head, spinal column, and sacrum region. The method focuses on relieving tension on the joints and muscles and results in mobility and spine balance. Warm mobilization in fascial helps in reducing pain stress and headaches. The therapy also restores the natural position of the bones.

  1. Deep Tissue Massage

It targets deep layers of muscles and connective tissue. This therapy improves body postures, lower heart rate, blood pressure and increases flexibility. The therapist uses slower strokes and friction in muscles.

  1. Sports Method Massage

This technique has excellent benefits to adult patients struggling with pain for a long time. It aids in loosening muscles and increases flexibility in the affected area.

  1. Shiatsu Massage

The kneading uses fingers, especially thumbs, hands, knees, elbows, or feet to apply pressure on the body. It involves stretching and rotating limbs, joints, or meridians. The firm pressure applied helps the body to relax. It results in regaining body balance, improving circulation, reduces stiffness in neck shoulders and backaches.

  5. Swedish Massage

This method aims to apply light pressure to the body. Some of the techniques used are kneading, smooth strokes, circular movements on the back using oil/lotion. Therapists focus on arms, legs, and neck. The following benefits results; relief in stiffness, back pain, insomnia, shallow breathing, and headaches.

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Are Massage Chairs Good for Scoliosis?

Chairs apply the same technique as using massage to alleviate scoliosis. Scoliosis massage chairs are beneficial in spinal curvature though pricey, and therefore not a choice for everyone. Use of the chair can result in the following benefits:

  • Improves venous and lymphatic flow helping in general circulation
  • Decrease tension and improves flexibility of muscles
  • Increases endorphin levels that can quicken recovery
  • Relief in pain

These results can still occur through human massage. For you to get similar benefits with the use of massage chairs, prepare to dig deeper into your pocket. The choice of the chair determines the level of the relief you get. The more expensive the chair, the better it serves you and convenient to your body.  Though this method gives good results, it’s better one on one therapy as the chairs are automatic and therefore prone to errors. On the contrary, individual therapy can quickly assess progress and make adjustments.

Is Heating Pad Good for Scoliosis?

Heating pads help ease scoliosis pain. They aid in increasing circulation in the affected area and thereby loosening tight muscles. Moist heating is better than dry as there are fewer chances of dehydration. The heat soothes the pain, calms the muscle spasms, and reduces joint stiffness. Moist heat penetrates the skin faster and deeper, giving you quick relief from the pain.

The heat pads should be applied at the joints or area with pain for 20 minutes. Heating pads are of different sizes, large and extra-large. The larger it is, the better as the pain is alleviated once. Extra-large pads are, therefore, the best for quick results.

Can Stretching Help Scoliosis?

Scoliosis exercises like stretching reduce pain and release tension in muscles. It also improves blood circulation and lubrication in the joints. Stretches work best if done regularly. Each stretch should last at least 30 seconds and repeat it two or three times more. As you do it often, the body gets used to, and you can now increase time for each stretch. Some of the exercises include;

  • Chest stretches
  • Right-angle
  • Child’s pose
  • Overhead stretch
  • Up and down dog
  • Ragdoll
  • Car stretch

Heat or Ice, which Is Better for Scoliosis?

The application of the two methods mainly depends on the onset of pain.  Though heat seems to have more advantages than the ice method, they apply at different times. Heat best applies after the early stage of pain onset, after three days of starting to feel pain. It’s useful in increasing circulation in the affected area. The method also aids in supplying nutrients and oxygen, healing the area. The best forms are a moist hot pack, heating pad, or warm shower. You should apply hot packs 15-20 minutes on the sore region. Again, be extra careful when using to prevent overheating, causing skin burns.

Ice treatment helps blood vessels vasoconstrict and healing the inflamed part. It reduces inflammation and numbs the pain associated with scoliosis. Its best applied as early as the pain starts up to 3 days.  The problem with ice, it can result to temporally musculature tightening. Again, using it for a time longer than 20 minutes, it can cause inflammation.  Ice sources are cold packs or ice bags. The method to choose depends on the time length of your pain, if in early stages use ice or after three days use heat.

Bottom Line

Massage improves your mental and physical health when dealing with scoliosis. But, for you to enjoy the full benefits of massage, it’s good to discuss your condition with the doctor. The doctor will advise on the best therapies depending on the type of scoliosis you may have. On early diagnosis, massage can produce great results. Also, it’s easier to reform the condition in kids since the spine is still growing, unlike in adults. In adults, the high focus is alleviating scoliosis pain and related symptoms.

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